Thursday, October 15, 2015

Simple Fixes for Most Of Computer Issues

You may have already determined that the computer problem you're facing is too hard to fix yourself, or it’s something you're not interested in spending your time doing.
Having worked as a computer repair technician for years, I'm very familiar with the simple things that most computer users overlook.

You may literally save your money, and an equally valuable amount of frustration, by following some of the easy steps below.

1.  Restart Your Computer

Many times I’ve visited a customer's home or business, listened to a long story about a computer issue, and then simply restarted the computer to fix the problem.I do not have a magic touch. Computers sometimes encounter temporary issues that a restart can solve . The ‘restart’ simply clears computer memory and reruns the processes.
Restart Computer

2.  Clear Your Browser's Cache

Clearing the cache is a very easy thing to do. Every internet browser has a straightforward method for browser history clearing, even if it is hidden a few layers deep in a menu (on Internet Explorer it under – Internet Options).

If you are facing any sort of Internet related issue, especially if it's impacting only specific pages, be sure to clear the cache before calling a computer repair service.
Clear Cache

3.  Scan for Viruses & Other Malware

Unfortunately, most issues caused by malware don't always clearly point to an infection. It's great if your antivirus program warns you of an issue, but it won't always.
Usually, virus-caused computer issues appear as general computer sluggishness, frozen windows, random error messages and things like that.

Before you take your computer to a repair shop or call a technician, be sure to run a full malware scan using a reliable antivirus software. 
Scan viruses & Malware

4.  Reinstall the Program That's Causing Trouble

A lot of computer issues are software-specific that only happen when starting, using, or stopping a particular program that's installed.

These sorts of problems impact the performance of your whole computer, but the solution is often very simple: reinstall the program.
Reinstall Program

5.  Delete Your Browser's Cookies

There aren't real cookies in your computer, but there are tiny files called cookies, which are sometimes the cause of many web browsing problems.

Like the cached files mentioned in step 2 above, the browser stores these files to make surfing the web easier.
Delete Cookies

Finally, if you tried all above and even then your computer is not starting properly and you are still having computer problems, now it’s time to hire a certified computer technician to fix your computer problems. If you Live in Surrey, BC then is the best available computer and IT support service.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Is Online Computer Repair Reliable

If you are having a problem with your computer and it’s no longer under warranty, you have two basic options for repairs:
One option is to fix the problem yourself, the other is to get someone else (a computer technician) to fix it for you.

There are two ways to go about having your computer repaired when you decided to hire a computer repair service: local computer repair services and online/remote computer repair services.

So how do you decide which option is best for you? Do you take your computer to one of the local computer repair shops to get it fixed or do you hire an online computer service to remotely connect to your computer to fix the problem?

It's not an easy decision but below are some questions you can ask yourself. These will help you to make the best choice.

Do You Suspect Serious Hardware Problem?

If you think your computer has a serious hardware issue, online computer repair service would not do much. The problems that prevent you from connecting to the Internet service will likely prevent a remote computer technician from connecting to your PC and hardware problems usually require on-site service to replace or repair the component that is causing the issue.
Some serious hardware problems include:
  • Problems powering on the computer (Completely blank screen or no power to the computer at all, etc)
  • Computer crashes or shuts down by its self
  •  Problems that prevent Windows from loading (problems logging in to Windows, Blue Screen, etc.)
  • Any issue connecting or accessing the Internet

If you're experiencing problems as mentioned above, I highly recommend seeking service from an on-site certified local computer technician.
How Fast do You Need Your Computer Fixed?
If you think your problem may be a software issue,getting computer help from an online computer repair service will be much faster than an on-site computer repair service.
You don’t have to unhook your computer and load it up in the car. You would not have to wait for a service person to visit your home or business. You are not bound to work within standard business hours. These are the best advantages of online computer repair services if you need your computer fixed fast.
An online computer repair technician might not be able to fix every computer problem under the sun, but if they can fix yours, they're often the better, and for sure the fastest, option.

How Fast is Your Internet Connection?
The majority of people use an"high speed" internet connection.But if you don’t, you should ask the online computer service if this will affect their ability to fix your PC.
It's possible that the process can work on a slower connection but it's not as reliable and it may extend the time, and cost, required to fix your computer remotely.
You should not have any problem working with a remote computer service expert if you have a reliable, high-speed Internet connection.

With the help of above points you can make the right decision based on the specific problem you need to deal with.